Please hear me out .....😋
Wouldnt ever see me again
I’d watch these men strip in my living room
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza LMAOOO
@Youre_Just_A_Pun_To_Put_It_Politely yk u would too
I have been summoned…
These gentleman do serve their rights to be fine, but…
WhErE’s ThE wOmEn? -
@Trevor I got u hold on
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza The women look-alike…
Thank you. -
@Trevor lmao
@Youre_Just_A_Pun_To_Put_It_Politely No.
@Youre_Just_A_Pun_To_Put_It_Politely No means no