no title
Hey chat, as most of y’all know, I was on mppc on secret… I was recently caught and I really don’t think I’m going to be able to come back… i’ll miss y’all, everyone here was honestly a great friends, especially ★【♪シBlake。シ♪】★™ , Raven-Rae
@nitrogen-monoxide and @Hyuckzluv . know that i’ll be trying to get back, but I’m most likely not going to be back. hell, I’m even getting a close friend to post this for me. y’all were great to me.🫡🫡🫡🫡peanut butter for life, and with this… Percy, signing off.
goodbye my friend.
It was fun while it lasted. You were a good friend. I’ll miss you.
Wait, can someone inform me whose name this originally was?
I’ll miss you buddy
Wubbrle the Wubble... said in
Wait, can someone inform me whose name this originally was?
It was Your Local Idiot
@Hyuckzluv ohh
i never talked to them alot
but i’ll miss them
thanks for telling me
. . . I love you-