Is it just me or. . .
: /
@HoodedSans :\
the emojis fuckin suck @kat
@HoodedSans ongg
@HoodedSans yes they do
Older boys, 100%
@Most-hated_bxtch ONGGG
They’re mature, most of the time at least
More experience with relationships, and everything else if ykwim
And they’re nicer, and don’t take everything as a joke -
@Most-hated_bxtch ong
Im mature kinda but nice NAHHHHHHH FUCK THAT SHIT
@Shadow XD
I only get hurt from being nice
@Shadow nah u throwing yoself out there
Hey, that doesn’t apply to everyone 🤷 -
Fr tho -
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza How so?
@Shadow saying u nice and shit