Is it just me or. . .
@HoodedSans :\
the emojis fuckin suck @kat
@HoodedSans ongg
@HoodedSans yes they do
Older boys, 100%
@Most-hated_bxtch ONGGG
They’re mature, most of the time at least
More experience with relationships, and everything else if ykwim
And they’re nicer, and don’t take everything as a joke -
@Most-hated_bxtch ong
Im mature kinda but nice NAHHHHHHH FUCK THAT SHIT
Shadow XD
I only get hurt from being nice
Shadow nah u throwing yoself out there
Hey, that doesn’t apply to everyone 🤷 -
Fr tho -
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza How so?
Shadow saying u nice and shit
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza if u are u are lol
Boys are complicated, but I’ll admit. Girls are more complicated, but sometimes boys can be immature asf and it’s annoying as hell which is why personally I’d rather date someone who’s older.