Yo, it's NM.
I’m sorry for all that drama shit I caused on MPP, I was mad at Pheo, I know it’s a joke but I took it seriously.And when people started pointing out that I cheated on Misty TWICE, I felt so terrible and I KNOW, I cheated on her.
I know what I did was awful.
And I have forced myself to be a better person for her.
But yet, everyone kept rubbing in what I did.
I am very sorry, everyone.
I feel so horrible when I look back at the past.
All I am asking for is forgiveness.
It’s okay if you don’t forgive me, what I did was terrible.
I don’t want to be seen as a lying cheater who has anger issues and is stuck up about it.
I’m sorry.
Forgive me?
If you had no idea what I’m talking about, don’t worry about it this has nothing to do with you.
@Nightmare-Sans I will not be on until after school, 3PM EDT
@Nightmare-Sans its ok