there's nothing more painful... than being considered someone else....
@AzazelSimp i know there is…
@A-Useless-Corpse but still… it hurts…
@A-Useless-Corpse It’s being torn limb by limb after betraying the council of heaven and entering Hell without a permit while working for Lucifer herself.
@AzazelSimp you do realize your talking to a walking corpse who had his organs scooped out when he was alive and got used as a skin suit right…
@A-Useless-Corpse Hello there, sir corpse.
@AzazelSimp just call me michael or mikey…
@A-Useless-Corpse I shall call you Mikeyboi.
@AzazelSimp pfft- that works-
@A-Useless-Corpse …
@A-Useless-Corpse WOOWWWWWWWW