s m a s h- Or pass?..
pass i’ll take girls with dicks please
@アストルフォ XD
@The-Depressed-Bitch smash both
@アストルフォ what if they had dicks?.. you dont know…
1 pass 2 smash
They look hella thirsty
And their clothing.
Might as well not even wear any if they’re gonna dress like that, but that’s just my opinion, take it how you will <3. -
@702-_-Jas if i go to school like that I wouldn’t even be able to step foot in the school zone
Who would wanna dress like that…-
I personally wouldn’t. -
@702-_-Jas Me.
Wtf, I could never.
I’m more of the i’m stupid, and I really want you to know that typa vibe. -
@702-_-Jas I would
@702-_-Jas You should see my like list on walmart . com
I could never, and show me. if you want? -
@702-_-Jas Here is some of the stuff I Have in my liked list just so I can only wear them at home so I can feel pretty in my own B o d y :)
@Your-Local-Non-Binary-Kiddo EXCWEZE ME?!- MES THONGS?!-
@The-Depressed-Bitch Yes Ma’am/Sir/Person
It is >:)
It goes with any Over sized punk stitched cargo pants I have
I’m kinda uncomfortable honestly-. Idk why, but I am- -
@Your-Local-Non-Binary-Kiddo AGGHHH- n a s t y m a n n a s t y y -
@The-Depressed-Bitch I have a Slightly curved body- Wait- You actually think I am a boy?..?..?