Hunger Games Part 2 Live Feed
Lune runs away from the Cornucopia.
Bee runs away from the Cornucopia.
Phantom finds a paintball in the Cornucopia.
Sierra finds a tent in the Cornucopia.
Hati runs away from the Cornucopia.
Death finds a 50% off coupon to an SAT prep class in the Cornucopia.
Ember finds a bleach gummy bottle in the Cornucopia.
Maya G finds a tin of Donald Trumpβs bronzer in the Cornucopia.
Sparrow runs away from the Cornucopia.
Sin runs away from the Cornucopia.
Indigo finds a fidget spinner in the Cornucopia.
Shadow battles Duncan. Duncan defeats and kills Shadow. (L)
Pine battles Viper. Viper defeats and kills Pine.
Elmo finds a chocolate-covered cotton in the Cornucopia.
Duncan runs away from the Cornucopia.
Time finds a clean water in the Cornucopia.
Ang battles Traveler. Traveler defeats Ang, but decides to spare her life.
Mori finds a paintball in the Cornucopia.
Cranberry runs away from the Cornucopia.
Wanderer finds a stick of Old Spice deodorant in the Cornucopia.
Astra finds a frisbee in the Cornucopia.
Shade finds a landmine in the Cornucopia.
Kylo finds a landmine in the Cornucopia.
Gooseberry finds a frisbee in the Cornucopia.
Valor battles Desdemona. Desdemona defeats Valor, but decides to spare his life.
Fia battles Reaper. Reaper defeats and kills Fia.
Fenrir runs away from the Cornucopia.
Lisa H finds a freeze ray in the Cornucopia.
Toxin finds a spiritual enlightenment in a Villanova brochure in the Cornucopia.
Jesse finds a Emoji Movie on laserdisc in the Cornucopia.
@Duncan-Away ye elmo love chocolate
3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance
The following tributes have fallen:
Pine: 0 Kills
Shadow: 0 Kills (IMAGINE)
Fia: 0 Kills -
Elmo (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Maya G (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Lisa H (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Ang (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Shade (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Astra (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Cranberry (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Gooseberry (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Traveler (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Time (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Wanderer (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Pine (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Viper (Alive): 1 Kill; Healthy
Shadow (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Valor (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Indigo (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Sin (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Hati (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Fenrir (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Death (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Reaper (Alive): 1 Kill; Healthy
Toxin (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Ember (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Sierra (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Bee (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Lune (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Phantom (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Tadpole (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Jesse (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Kylo (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Mori (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Fia (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Desdemona (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Duncan (Alive): 1 Kill; Healthy
Sparrow (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Bee has grown a Stalin mustache.
Valor stumbles upon a bow.
Time gets yellow fever.
Kylo talks to Reaper.
Viper receives a stick of Old Spice deodorant from a sponsor.
Hati slips and slides on a banana peel.
Ember eats bleach gummy bottle.
Elmo spontaneously combusts.
Gooseberry gets strep throat.
Desdemona heals Duncan.
Shade sets off a landmine that kills Fenrir and Cranberry.
Indigo discovers a quenched and tempered steel lying on the ground.
Sin is the sheriff.
Death heals Astra.
Maya G discovers a clean water lying on the ground.
Sierra realizes maverick isnβt all yellow.
Astra develops stage 4 brain cancer.
Reaper discovers a VIP ticket to Tana Mojo concert lying on the ground.
Wanderer heils Hitler.
Toxin chokes on crabapples in his cheeks.
Mori brings one less paintball, so Death dies of needing paintballs. (HAH-)
Lune heals Indigo.
Phantom discovers a clean water lying on the ground.
Lisa H freezes Ang with a freeze ray.
Tadpole places his head between two inconspicuous suspended logs.
Jesse dies of pure cancer after watching the Emoji Movie.
Duncan hangs himself after being friendzoned by Sierra.
Sparrow discovers a bleach gummy bottle lying on the ground.
Ang accepts the Blue Whale challenge.
Traveler heals Sierra.
9 cannon shots can be heard in the distance
The following tributes have fallen:
Elmo: 0 Kills
Ang: 0 Kills
Cranberry: 0 Kills
Fenrir: 0 Kills
Death: 0 Kills
Toxin: 0 Kills
Ember: 0 Kills
Jesse: 0 Kills
Duncan: 1 Kill -
Elmo (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Maya G (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Lisa H (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Ang (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Shade (Alive): 2 Kills; Healthy
Astra (Alive): 0 Kills; Injured
Cranberry (Dead): 0 Kills; Healthy
Gooseberry (Alive): 0 Kills; Injured
Traveler (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Time (Alive): 0 Kills; Injured
Wanderer (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Pine (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Viper (Alive): 1 Kill; Healthy
Shadow (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Valor (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Indigo (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Sin (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Hati (Alive): 0 Kills; Injured
Fenrir (Dead): 0 Kills; Healthy
Death (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Reaper (Alive): 1 Kill; Healthy
Toxin (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Ember (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Sierra (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Bee (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Lune (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Phantom (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Tadpole (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Jesse (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Kylo (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Mori (Alive): 1 Kill; Healthy
Fia (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Desdemona (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Duncan (Dead): 1 Kill; Deceased
Sparrow (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Reaper gets assaulted by a toothbrush at Tana Mojo concert.
Valor gets forced into fall mentorship.
Sierra yells βwoag wiag wiagβ at Tadpole, causing Tadpole to drop dead.
Hati finds a convenient igloo, but decides it is too dangerous.
Bee sends Shade to the gulag.
Gooseberry is stung by BEES and dies.
Lune discovers a bone-hurting juice lying on the ground.
Phantom brings one less paintball, so Desdemona dies of needing paintballs.
Sparrow eats bleach gummy bottle.
Kylo tries to break the fourth wall.
Maya G changes genders.
Sin heals Maya G.
Astra decapitates Kylo with a frisbee.
Lisa H stumbles upon a frisbee.
Traveler loses 0.13 GPA points, and is severely injured.
Viper gets a bladder infection.
Time tries to break the fourth wall and dies.
Mori sees things twice.
Wanderer heals Maya G.
Indigo spins fidget spinner fatally at
8 cannon shots can be heard in the distance
The following tributes have fallen:
Shade: 2 Kills
Gooseberry: 0 Kills
Time: 0 Kills
Tadpole: 0 Kills
Kylo: 0 Kills
Mori: 1 Kill
Desdemona: 0 Kills
Sparrow: 0 Kills -
Elmo (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Maya G (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Lisa H (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Ang (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Shade (Dead): 2 Kills; Deceased
Astra (Alive): 1 Kill; Injured
Cranberry (Dead): 0 Kills; Healthy
Gooseberry (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Traveler (Alive): 0 Kills; Injured
Time (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Wanderer (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Pine (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Viper (Alive): 1 Kill; Injured
Shadow (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Valor (Alive): 0 Kills; Injured
Indigo (Alive): 1 Kill; Healthy
Sin (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Hati (Alive): 0 Kills; Injured
Fenrir (Dead): 0 Kills; Healthy
Death (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Reaper (Alive): 1 Kill; Healthy
Toxin (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Ember (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Sierra (Alive): 1 Kill; Healthy
Bee (Alive): 1 Kill; Healthy
Lune (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Phantom (Alive): 1 Kill; Healthy
Tadpole (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Jesse (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Kylo (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Mori (Dead): 1 Kill; Deceased
Fia (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Desdemona (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Duncan (Dead): 1 Kill; Deceased
Sparrow (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Sierra discovers a 50% off coupon to an SAT prep class lying on the ground.
Wanderer unluckily trips despite the 1/100 chance.
Valor stumbles upon a tank.
Maya G becomes as orange as Donald Trump and dies of chemical poisoning.
Indigo constructs a geometrically stable truss.
Astra receives a quenched and tempered steel from a sponsor.
Lisa H stabs asparagus.
Traveler heals himself.
Viper smells good, but itβs Old Spice, not your boyβs cologne.
Lune has major bone pain after drinking bone-hurting juice.
Bee stumbles upon an assault rifle.
Phantom finds a convenient geometrically stable truss, but decides it is too dangerous.
Sin receives a clean water from a sponsor.
Hati finds a convenient House of the Seven Gables and decides to use it as shelter.
Reaper falls off a cliff while playing Pokemon Go.
2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance
The following tributes have fallen:
Maya G: 0 Kills
Reaper: 1 Kill -
Elmo (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Maya G (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Lisa H (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Ang (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Shade (Dead): 2 Kills; Deceased
Astra (Alive): 1 Kill; Injured
Cranberry (Dead): 0 Kills; Healthy
Gooseberry (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Traveler (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Time (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Wanderer (Alive): 0 Kills; Injured
Pine (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Viper (Alive): 1 Kill; Healthy
Shadow (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Valor (Alive): 0 Kills; Injured
Indigo (Alive): 1 Kill; Healthy
Sin (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Hati (Alive): 0 Kills; Injured
Fenrir (Dead): 0 Kills; Healthy
Death (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Reaper (Dead): 1 Kill; Deceased
Toxin (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Ember (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Sierra (Alive): 1 Kill; Healthy
Bee (Alive): 1 Kill; Healthy
Lune (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Phantom (Alive): 1 Kill; Healthy
Tadpole (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Jesse (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Kylo (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Mori (Dead): 1 Kill; Deceased
Fia (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Desdemona (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Duncan (Dead): 1 Kill; Deceased
Sparrow (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Hati stumbles upon a landmine.
Sierra stumbles upon a stick.
Phantom stumbles upon a pear.
Lisa H decapitates Astra with a frisbee.
Bee shoots and grazes Phantom.
Sin receives a Stalin mustache from a sponsor.
Lune discovers a chocolate-covered cotton lying on the ground.
Traveler discovers a wild Ohio Fried Chicken lying on the ground.
Wanderer receives a pack of condoms from a sponsor.
Viper was slain by a zombie pigman.
Valor injures Sierra.
Indigo heals Lune.
2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance
The following tributes have fallen:
Astra: 1 Kill
Viper: 1 Kill -
Elmo (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Maya G (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Lisa H (Alive): 1 Kill; Healthy
Ang (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Shade (Dead): 2 Kills; Deceased
Astra (Dead): 1 Kill; Deceased
Cranberry (Dead): 0 Kills; Healthy
Gooseberry (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Traveler (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Time (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Wanderer (Alive): 0 Kills; Injured
Pine (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Viper (Dead): 1 Kill; Deceased
Shadow (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Valor (Alive): 0 Kills; Injured
Indigo (Alive): 1 Kill; Healthy
Sin (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Hati (Alive): 0 Kills; Injured
Fenrir (Dead): 0 Kills; Healthy
Death (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Reaper (Dead): 1 Kill; Deceased
Toxin (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Ember (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Sierra (Alive): 1 Kill; Injured
Bee (Alive): 1 Kill; Healthy
Lune (Alive): 0 Kills; Healthy
Phantom (Alive): 1 Kill; Injured
Tadpole (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Jesse (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Kylo (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Mori (Dead): 1 Kill; Deceased
Fia (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Desdemona (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Duncan (Dead): 1 Kill; Deceased
Sparrow (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Sierra constructs a tent.
Bee gets an ulcer.
Lune heals Traveler.
Sin drinks clean water and gains one point in constitution.
Traveler eats Ohio Fried Chicken.
Phantom realizes maverick isnβt all yellow.
Valor runs over Traveler with his tank, but Traveler survives due to his belief in the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Lisa H is stung by BEES.
Wanderer smells good, but itβs Old Spice, not your boyβs cologne.
Hati receives a bone-hurting juice from a sponsor.
Indigo gets Hodgkinβs Lymphoma.
Lisa H hangs herself after being friendzoned by Hati.
Sierra attends an SAT class for half the price.
Phantom receives a Stalin mustache from a sponsor.
Wanderer and Traveler practice safe dating.
Traveler discovers a unicorn lying on the ground.
Bee fights the Ender dragon.
Lune gets indigestion from eating too much chocolate-covered cotton.
Valor discovers a biology textbook lying on the ground.
Indigo curses on a Christian server and gets smote.
Sin sends Traveler to the gulag.
Hati receives a paintball from a sponsor.
3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance
The following tributes have fallen:
Lisa H: 1 Kill
Traveler: 0 Kills
Indigo: 1 Kill -
Elmo (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Maya G (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Lisa H (Dead): 1 Kill; Deceased
Ang (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Shade (Dead): 2 Kills; Deceased
Astra (Dead): 1 Kill; Deceased
Cranberry (Dead): 0 Kills; Healthy
Gooseberry (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Traveler (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Time (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Wanderer (Alive): 0 Kills; Supercharged
Pine (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Viper (Dead): 1 Kill; Deceased
Shadow (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Valor (Alive): 0 Kills; Injured
Indigo (Dead): 1 Kill; Deceased
Sin (Alive): 1 Kill; Supercharged
Hati (Alive): 0 Kills; Injured
Fenrir (Dead): 0 Kills; Healthy
Death (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Reaper (Dead): 1 Kill; Deceased
Toxin (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Ember (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Sierra (Alive): 1 Kill; Healthy
Bee (Alive): 1 Kill; Injured
Lune (Alive): 0 Kills; Injured
Phantom (Alive): 1 Kill; Injured
Tadpole (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Jesse (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Kylo (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Mori (Dead): 1 Kill; Deceased
Fia (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Desdemona (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased
Duncan (Dead): 1 Kill; Deceased
Sparrow (Dead): 0 Kills; Deceased