What y'all up to rn?
@Thetruepath Alr.
whyy not
@angel_dust cuz fuck you that’s why 🙂
damn you just got told
@Thetruepath let me join lol
zofya406 k
@Thetruepath YAY
I’m gonna commit arson.
Cross let me join
zofya406 You don’t know where I live. ☺
Cross true
Cross so was that you under my bed or zof?
zofya406 I set toothpicks made out of wood on fire. It’s satisfying.
Cross I love fire 🙂
@Thetruepath I’m bout to draw.
Cross draw a goat that eats human flesh
@Thetruepath Okay.
yo draw pennywise
@MichaelJackson12345 I’m not an expert at drawing yet. Don’t push me to it. ;-;’
I cant sleep so i came back, and more people are on lol