What is the Worst Song You've Ever Heard?
@Thetruepath still trying to figure out if she’s part of a social experiment or not.
Flip Ditcher idk how to respond to that so. Let’s just hope so
@Thetruepath I just started the song and why tf is she singing like that? I hate it
zofya406 💀 bad song
@SophiLmaoooo-3 I feel the same way about this as I do with Sick Outta Fashion: good intent, bad execution.
Flip Ditcher I don’t even have to explain
- Baby - Justin Bieber
- Barbie Girl - Aqua
- Period Ahh Period Uhh
and other songs but im not gonna name them all
JDP_Random is that salt im reading?
- only mildly annoying.
- yeah based.
- b a s e d
Ice spice. Mid ahh rapper
@Ditto-2-0 i agree