Ask me whatever. I'm bored af
@Thetruepath why?
zofya406 cuz I don’t wanna hit my baby 😭❤️
zofya406 me and pain are bffs ngl
@Dominic-16-6-5-taken same
zofya406 not me. I’m a pussy
@Thetruepath I know
zofya406 i mean i have wholesome one’s
I’m… color blind….
zofya406 yuh. But I let you scratch up my back so I’m at least trying
@O5-4-The-Ambassador OOOF
@O5-4-The-Ambassador LOL
No way
Discord told me to go outside T-T
@Dominic-16-6-5-taken L
@Dominic-16-6-5-taken I don’t blame it. You prolly needa touch some grass
@Dominic-16-6-5-taken I’m in school
@Thetruepath ok so
@Dominic-16-6-5-taken I will when I get out of class
@Dominic-16-6-5-taken I’ll go to the damn court yard. Touch grass. Then go to my next class