I'm bored so here's my pet bunny
@A-Forgotten-Corpse d’awwwwss
Duncan he’s my big fluffy baby boy if anything happens to him ima kms because he’s what got me to through lockdown ^^
@A-Forgotten-Corpse so cute
@Chapa-aka-Volt wanna know his name?
@A-Forgotten-Corpse yes pls
@Chapa-aka-Volt his name is Benjamin but I like calling him Ben Ben
@A-Forgotten-Corpse ooo because he is a bunny you should call him benny
@Chapa-aka-Volt i call him that to sometimes I have a bunch of nicknames for him
@A-Forgotten-Corpse what is his name?
@Nasugamer his names benjamin ^^
@A-Forgotten-Corpse nice