not ganna be on no more
I will not be on no more i will keep my acc up but wont be on i will come on and check on here and see how yall are doing though but the reason im leaving is cause i have a life away from here and i might get a bf thats irl and i cant ruin that and i need to focus on school more but thank u to all who has been with me! if u want tot keep conntact my snap is zero_is2gay and my insta is gh0stzzzz999 cya later in life goodbye guys
@Victor oh :(…okay… bye victor!
@MichaelDaGrapeBoi thank you for being there cammy i love ya! bye!
@Victor i love ya too…! bye…!
Peace bud
@Victor Okay
@Victor bye vic :(
@Victor Well Vic I’ll miss ya. I do hope your life goes your way ^^
@Victor Alright man, good luck in the real world!
@Victor hope you survive