Ok this is MY opinion say what the fuck you want
there are so many good people here that can also be mods/admins, yet, no one recognizes them. Laws ofc everyone knows(idk if he’s 16 tho). Then, you have me, be sarcastic or whatever tf u want I would make an excellent mod, hell, laws even said I would.
(What I’m bouta say next is not specifically toward anyone)
i feel like if someone(like me) doesnt have discord or sum shit, we have like no chance to even ASK if we could be a consideration because I feel like if you ask the admins something they DONT RESPOND. I mean ik they’re busy with irl stuff and get a lot of messages, but I mean it just gets annoying over time
Like I said in the beginning, so many people, and I mean SOOO many people on this site alone, would make excellent mods/admins, I just feel like the underrated ones don’t get enough attention like Laws usually gets.
Also, this is just my god damn opinion
If you have some fucking bullshit you want to say, then fuck off
casually drops mic
don’t cuss, young child
tøxic The mic drop lmao
@Creati132 I guess
tøxic ok bozo
tøxic are you darklord
@Nitsua damn, the first response I get from an admin is bozo
Well played -
TTP was added as a staff on the moderator team. As far as I know, they dont have discord
EVIL 2sola no?
@Nitsua can i pwease pwetty pweas hav mod
this is cringe
EVIL 2sola bro I’m not tryna say that at all
All I’m saying is that some really good ppl on here are getting overlooked, that’s itThis wasn’t intended to be a drama starting topic whatsoever
tøxic Should’ve said that in the topic as well as not cussing ;-;
@Creati132 wow I swore everyone does, does that mean I’m pissed or jealous about it
No -
tøxic We all cuss, all i’m saying is cussing is usually a form of aggressiveness
tøxic Most people just troll and waste peoples times, typically the ones who think they know something are the people who are trolling. Please don’t take it as an offensive statement. Also, I’m pretty positive I’m the most active admin on the admin team, if you need a reply fast then direct messaging me on here, or discord is the way to go. I do agree there should be more people on the moderator team, but thats always a hard decision to make. TTP was added to the moderator team about 2 or 3 hours ago at this point. You can get added to the moderator team if you dont have discord, however its much harder and takes a lot of support from current moderators and the community as it does normally, but its usually thought out more in that case
@Nitsua Exactly!
@Nitsua for a minute I thought you were like mad at me about saying this or something. I can understand if it takes time if someone doesn’t have discord, and I understand all that. Btw I don’t think that I know something, this was just my opinion. Never said you weren’t the most active either. Again, this was just my opinion, and I wasn’t trying to troll or start any drama. I just thought that people should know. ^^
tøxic Yeah I just wanted to state that I’m typically the most active administrator out of 4 people. Administrators are the only people who can add a member to the moderator team as they have access to the admin dashboard
@Nitsua True