we lost another great MPP player because of stupidity
Hey!, i know that guy
tripod thats cool
Today folks, we have lost the great Pod, may they rest in peace.
what was the context of this-?
tripod died
[banned] death was ran over -
]- Jinx "Snortable" Powder -[
Pod IP grabbed and I banned them for an hour cause I don't know how this new banning system works-
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} you banned me forever-
a bit deserved tho
I was trying to do it for an hour cause I can't really tell how to use the banning system-
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} i can tell you how it works
< 3
Please do-
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} To ban someone (not forever) you do gkickban [ID] [time]
and for forever just do gban [id]
Oh- Cause I just put 60-
{_𝐘𝐋𝐋_} this new bot sucks
and for unban, gunban [id]