I'm happy...ig
@Coffee_Bear dont give up… trust me pls dont. soon enough your going to find your peace in life and its going to be better for you, its just really hard to believe that rn. and know that i struggle with depression, social anxiety, anxiety, suicide, and a lot more so i know what you feel. ive either been in your shoes, or gone through it. im always going to feel how you feel and im always going to be here bc no child should have to deal with this fucking pain. and im really sorry your one of those kids that deal with this shit. im going to try to help you if you allow me.
@that1emotionalkid idk if ul be able to help rn bc I won’t be on discord for like a week or so but il be on here
@Coffee_Bear no i can, im allowed on here. im always able to help trust me. and ill try my best to be online during school but like- aGh fuck school
@that1emotionalkid thank u so much it means alot for u to try to help but bare with me bc I have severe adhd so i might be a little slow with the help
@Coffee_Bear thats okay, dont be sorry for that hun :]
dont take the hun wrong ;~; -
@that1emotionalkid I won’t it’s nice to be called Hun anyway
@Coffee_Bear slams hand on table WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME YOUR BIRTHDAY WAS IN 2 MONTHS-
@ŦħɇꝀɨłłɇɍȻłøwn bc I forget
@Coffee_Bear monke noises
@ŦħɇꝀɨłłɇɍȻłøwn why is a black person saying “monke noises” so funny what is wrong with me 💀😭
@Coffee_Bear -
@ŦħɇꝀɨłłɇɍȻłøwn I grew up with families guy and gypsies what do u expect-
@Coffee_Bear fair enough
@ŦħɇꝀɨłłɇɍȻłøwn :]
@ŦħɇꝀɨłłɇɍȻłøwn anyways yeh it’s my birthday in two months:P
@Coffee_Bear what day
@ŦħɇꝀɨłłɇɍȻłøwn may 26th
@Coffee_Bear sets to my phone calander
@ŦħɇꝀɨłłɇɍȻłøwn is it really that special u have to set it on ur calender-
@Coffee_Bear y e s