how are yall's day going
im bored so i wanna know how everyone’s doing, thats all
Bored and starting to get tired again even though i took an hour and thirty minute long nap earlier
I went to bed late last night so I’m a bit sleepy, and although I’m in math class I’m not bored, I just feel at peace with life
@Calistaa as long as you feel at peace at least you’re okay (get better sleep you goober)
@JePhil thats a mood, honestly
trying to fall asleep in class but my teacher is getting mad at me idrc tho
@Fleur good luck falling asleep soldier o7 (get better sleep you goober x2)
@Warmelonger i cant now, some random person just walked in my house ;-;
@Fleur oh dear
bruh i dont even have pants on
i am bored
@BubblyStars mood, hope you find something to do eventually
@Warmelonger Heya ^^
My day is going well - second day of spring break! -
@Warmelonger cuz my hoodie goes almost below my knees ;-;
Shazz_ hey! glad its going well friend, hope your spring break goes splendid ^^
@Fleur i guess thats fair buT STILL GET SOME PANTS OR SHORTS ON…
@Warmelonger its too hot for that
@Fleur okay you have a point, its getting warm here too
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