So divorce huh?
@Niencraft frr we should be there therapist
iM a ThEryipist but i need thereypy -
i am about to windows 10 in a windows 10
to quote walter white “we? there is no we only i”
PlEaSe -
Shinra Kusakabe okay how long have you been fighting has there been any problems like cheating, out of feelings?
@52o_Angiee lets see oh man its been awhile i suppose
lets see about 26 mins ago
@52o_Angiee as you can see at the top thats r first and last fight lol
Here’s a great idea: dont online marry so when it doesnt work out (which it 99% of the time doesn’t), you wont go through as much when you decide to “divorce.” People date, and re-date so often, why call it marrying someone…? Marriage is more of a commitment but yet people call dating them being married xD And then people wonder why it hurts so much. People invest in something practically blindly…
@Duchess no it isnt seriouse its joking and playing around lol
@BubblyStars Why joke though? It kind of makes real marriages less special. And dating in general.
@Duchess it was a joke-
@52o_Angiee I see.
@BubblyStars good