yall got siblings?
3 (I’m the oldest out of the 3.)
datgirlnirelly I have 2 other siblings - one is younger and one is older, so I’m the middle child :)
i have three but one passed away :( -
i have used to have 3, but now i have 2.
@1zzylmao same
8 :)
datgirlnirelly 3, and i’m the oldest
i have like 8 or 9 but i only really know one of my siblings and thats my twin brother dillion
6 sisters and 2 brothers
do yall like ur siblings??😂😂
Expunged wow whats that like?
@xay-is-hot-duh thats crazyy
@2o1-l0c0-J0rdi wow
datgirlnirelly I have one actual brother (TTP) and 6 step sibligns
Cursed Cucumber crazy
datgirlnirelly ong
Ugh, I hate that… when my ex broke up with me he kept trying to send texts to me explaining why or whatever idk. And he kept accidentally sending memes and I would just be like what the fuck is he doing… and he sent that one😒 -
Irl, 5 which are all half-siblings and then like. .More than 10 siblings on here :Skull:
two :]