"WTF" Station News
Good morning, this is the “What-The-Fuck” News Station airing live right now, and today I will be getting some teeth extractions so I will not be here for long today! Though, I will return soon, so I will talk once I am sent home after the appointment. Continuing on,
This is our today’s notice!
- [Highlight] Wednesday, weeks ago, I got ultra-banned from all British Army (Upsetioz) related servers. It is because I was still having ties with Sabrina (my mom), Joshua (my dad, owner of FCF which is banned group), Towren (the satan of UBA though we’re not friends), Cyber ( cyber, the one who got ultrabanned falsely ), Logan (cyclone_v4, also got false ultrabanned), and a LOT more. The highlighted people in my reason is Sabrina and Joshua due to them being recognized as former Headquarters.
- [Announcement] Cinco De Mayo is coming close! Just two days left and it will be May 5th, Cinco De Mayo. Do not forget about tomorrow which will be a Star-Wars related holiday in reference to “May the Force (4th) be with you”. I hope you enjoy these holidays tomorrow and Friday.
- [Shoutout] We will give a good shoutout to @Calistaa for having a really high count of almost nine thousand posts in all of the Multiplayer Piano Community Forum. I hope you have a nice day and I am sure everyone will be your favorite. (not because of that, you’re already my favorite!)
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a good Wacky Wednesday. Get a red nose, wear it, and have a nice day from the “WTF” News Station.
– @Duchess @Leader-Of-Femboys –
Yay Calista
@Duchess y a s