Random Question:
I can chill with anyone fr
JDP Random ight, but is there one person you would want to live with for a whole year?
we would be chillin playin piano fr -
JDP Random yessirrr, I’d even come over to listen to lol
@i-don-t-care-tho We like they same things. We’d be watching tvd lol
Or maybe Shazz_, he doesn’t annoy me at all, unlike everyone else-
@Creati_132 nice
YourLocalSansFangirl we’ve already been together for idk 3 years or so, why not another couple decades
@Calistaa ight ight ight
@i-don-t-care-tho for sure bc she’s my best friend and is just funny overall
@1zzylmao Because she been my bsf for 6 months and 8 days she said plus i leave her alot and she leaves me :)
@NotJordanFOfff leaves?
@1zzylmao like when u gotta shower etc :)
Bearr I’d chill with JDP Random cuz it seems we could talk forever
@K-A-D-E cause he’s my dad
@The-Red-X Yessir
JDP Random lol
I don’t got no one -
Weilder of The adolla Burst damn, I gotchu, you can join me and jpd if it happened
@Ryleigh ry cuz she da best and she mah bestie, fr an angel sent from heaven 🥳🤩🤩