Ngl Who Is the Sussyest Person In Mpp?
Frisk Sus
ㅤ 123123
wut sus even mean here
Anonymous idk i assumed it meant worst
I think Lyrix is pretty suspicious.
@nathan Yeah, you got me there. I can’t believe I forgot about her lol
what about owl
Owl hates everyone for no apparent reason, so yes. Very suspicious.
@nathan That’s true. I’ve joined their group at least 5 times and I guess I wasn’t worthy enough to stay or something. I don’t know how he has members in the first place. I’ve talked to people who are, and they said they’re scared to leave since they see how others get treated. Kind of says something, doesn’t it…
@duchess owl’s never said anything to me
hri7566 Good. You have been spared. I mean… he’s not mean… but. Just very unreasonable. That’s all.
ugh owl… i joined their discord once just to see what was in it and i was welcomed or whatever and given a role, but few minutes later I was banned for NO reason. ???
Anonymous Actually that same happened to me - 5 times xD The last time I joined, I tried to participate more and sent my art and stuff, and then Owl said that my art was fake and I was a liar o.o
@duchess formal i heard she lied about having cancer what a sicko
ㅤ I would venture to say that anyone on mpp who claims to have cancer is lying.
ㅤ She lied about a lot of things i can list them all
ㅤ We’re talking about Owl, right? Because I thought he was a guy
@duchess Well he did some things too, I think I still have the screenshots of the confessions
@duchess idk mann… i could imagine that happening… and it would be worse if u didnt believe it when it’s true