yall he really did call it-
@Michael-Afton-Ig oh well who is she taken by
@The-suiside-bitch if you’re going to b.itch about it, just do it already, no one really gives a d.amn-
@Demi woh!, hay don’t say that
@Kaya-Rose that’s demi for ya -._-.
@Michael-Afton-Ig ok
imma just say this is all pointless
Ŵølƒy_Hellhøund_Likes_Pizza at this point i agree
@The-suiside-bitch awwwwwwwww <3
@Demi damnnnnnnn
@Sorry-Its-Sage whaaat?
@Michael-Afton-Ig ONG-
Ky.Is.High. -le cri-
@Sorry-Its-Sage whaaaa?
Ky.Is.High. -le sob-
@Sorry-Its-Sage whats wrongggg T-T
@Sorry-Its-Sage what did i do? ;w;
Ky.Is.High. nothin nvm
@Sorry-Its-Sage forget i said anything : >