This close from having an outburst 🤏
blank two why
By chance is your mom Catholic?
Sapphire!!! yes. I had to sign the papers or she’d beat my ass
@InvalidBandit because I was “acting different” even though I was just being a teenager 💀
@Duchess no shes christian
blank two o_o
@InvalidBandit its ok bandit, ill be 18 in 6 months and then im moving out lol
blank two ofc and if u need any help, u can come to me!
Ayari said in This close from having an outburst 🤏:
blank two ofc and if u need any help, u can come to me!
Thank you ❤
blank two Catholic is Christian. There are different types of Christians though. Like Baptist and Evangelical. Christian is basically an umbrella term for anyone who believes in God & Jesus. So if you say you’re Baptist and your friend is Catholic, you’re both Christians.
@Duchess oh okay sorry
@Duchess my mom is baptis
blank two Oh, okay.
blank two What do you do that makes your mom think you are being influenced by a demon?
@Duchess be gay, wear baggy/alt clothing, have gay friends, had two toxic friends, is constantly sad, knows I wanted to kms before, my drawings, my eyes (she thinks she can see my soul in my eyes and see how I’ve changed negatively)
blank two I kind of know where she gets the “Jesabelle” thing from. I live in a Christian house hold too lol. My own family doesn’t want me being gay, but that’s not gonna stop me. (despite the F slur being said) Don’t let your mother’s views and beliefs stop you. And yes, Ik being gay is wrong, but its not hurting anyone. So you keep being you. :3
why did you mention everyone
@InvalidBandit lol idk
To expose my loving mother 🥰👹
Sapphire!!! my mom calls them the f slur too