@everyone Hey, guys, it’s me blank or ylnbk (your local non binary kiddo) I’m sorry that I’ve been gone for so long, almost a year I have been taking over my will to go to a mental hospital and my computer has been taken back to the school, so I wasn’t able to get on here. My phone was also taken away, I just snuck on so everything isn’t so great, my mom thought that I had demons, she still thinks I have demons inside my head, has intrusive thoughts, and I think that I don’t have any, I even had to confess to God himself to deliver me. My mom threw away my suits, my mom threw away my boots, my chains, my mom told me to fix my makeup and make it lighter and more natural, I am not doing so great. After my first two therapy sessions with my therapist, I was doing fine, but then she removed me from both therapist and things just went downhill, she even guilt tripped me, admitted that she was doing it.
I miss the old me.
She is making me confess to God about my “gender confusion” and lesbianism. I’m bi btw.
I don’t have any pics of myself on here. This is all I found.
I’m not gonna kms any more. I feel a sense of peace with myself. I still hate myself and how I look. I miss my suit (she threw it away and told me girls don’t wear suits)