This close from having an outburst 🤏
@InvalidBandit its ok bandit, ill be 18 in 6 months and then im moving out lol
blank two ofc and if u need any help, u can come to me!
Ayari said in This close from having an outburst 🤏:
blank two ofc and if u need any help, u can come to me!
Thank you ❤
blank two Catholic is Christian. There are different types of Christians though. Like Baptist and Evangelical. Christian is basically an umbrella term for anyone who believes in God & Jesus. So if you say you’re Baptist and your friend is Catholic, you’re both Christians.
@Duchess oh okay sorry
@Duchess my mom is baptis
blank two Oh, okay.
blank two What do you do that makes your mom think you are being influenced by a demon?
@Duchess be gay, wear baggy/alt clothing, have gay friends, had two toxic friends, is constantly sad, knows I wanted to kms before, my drawings, my eyes (she thinks she can see my soul in my eyes and see how I’ve changed negatively)
blank two I kind of know where she gets the “Jesabelle” thing from. I live in a Christian house hold too lol. My own family doesn’t want me being gay, but that’s not gonna stop me. (despite the F slur being said) Don’t let your mother’s views and beliefs stop you. And yes, Ik being gay is wrong, but its not hurting anyone. So you keep being you. :3
why did you mention everyone
@InvalidBandit lol idk
To expose my loving mother 🥰👹
Sapphire!!! my mom calls them the f slur too
blank two I’ll be honest, I can see if she had some disagreement with the being gay thing but the rest is just nonsense. You’re allowed to have gay friends. You’re allowed to have had some toxic friends as long as they’re not still in your life (because we all make mistakes in life), you’re allowed to be sad, and you’re allowed to draw what you want (as long as it’s not innipropriate, then I’d say that’s bad). Now the major outlier there is the part about her “seeing into your eyes” bit. That’s just mumbo jumbo. She’s probably just seeing things she wants to see.
blank two Ah, okay. I mean. If my child showed me this I’d be concerned xD Since they’re kind of inappropriately dressed. But I wouldnt think it had to do with demons.
@Duchess she let’s me draw for 30 minutes once a week. Even then I dont have the feels to draw because shell ask me shit about it. Even then she won’t let me use references so I don’t know anything new to draw.
@Duchess even if I drew her with normal clothes she’d ask, or even if they didn’t have a body I just drew a head
blank two So does her asking about your art bother you a lot then?
@Duchess very, because she gaslights me in the process 😌