Might go back to my old ways. Idfk how to handle this shit anymore.
Kinda wish I wasn’t alive rn
@Cyx Would you like to talk in DMs?
I’m always open -
Shazz_ it’s okay, dw.
@Cyx Alrighty - just let me know if you need anything :)
@Cyx Old ways as in how you would act, or…?
@Duchess old ways as in old coping skills
@Cyx Oh I see. I know you said you didnt want to talk about it, so I won’t ask. I will say though…
Going back on old ways is hard to resist when you’re facing the same struggle. It’s a coping mechanism, after all. It’s comforting in a cinical way. But coping doesn’t do fixing. It just covers things up. Coping is digging the hole deeper. And when you stop coping and you look up, it’s hard to climb out of that hole. I dont want you going down that hole deeper. I encourage you to stay strong on your climb and adopt healthy habits. Healthy habits are more impactful than unhealthy coping.
@Duchess thank you for this. I really needed these words.
@Cyx Of course