Why can't you guys be this inactive during school instead of summer break.
MPPC when I’m bored and I wanna see shit going down:
MPPC during school hours when I have things to do: -
@marvie229 LMAO FR
@marvie229 bro I be on during school well I would have been on this summer break but something came up
@marvie229 I think people go on mppc more when they’re in school because they want to use it to escape school xD
bro I feel that picture LOL -
@MrTree me too
I can’t say I agree or disagree with this because I joined not so long ago, but I feel like some kids only have their school computer to be here lol. But It would make more sense If they where here on summer break Lol.
.EnvyLexi. It was a lot more active during school earlier in the year, I can confirm; I’d get at least 5 notifications every hour
@marvie229 Well If so, then I hope more people start school so more users can be active. That would be more fun
@marvie229 vacation lol