yall why is mpp down
@jester-is-a-meme do you want another one-
scarlet lol fight me
@jester-is-a-meme no thanks im to tired
@jester-is-a-meme ties up and puts tape on mouth
now S H U S H
scarlet lol im trying to read
scarlet lol takes the tape off and hits you with belt
@jester-is-a-meme bitch-
hits head with a bat
thatll teach you
scarlet lol hits you in the head with a pan flag
@jester-is-a-meme ;-;
runs over with car >:|
scarlet lol runs over with gay car
@jester-is-a-meme hits with unlabeled plane
scarlet lol hits with pan and genderfluid plane
@jester-is-a-meme ok we can stop now
scarlet lol flick in le nose you llook like gru
@jester-is-a-meme no i dont :'|
scarlet lol people say my nose is normal
scarlet lol shut up gru
@jester-is-a-meme stop being mean to me i didnt do anything :(
scarlet lol you hit me with chancla
@jester-is-a-meme cuz you were being mean to me