Biological females only ☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽
@fallen-angel Precramps aren’t that bad for me, they generally start a day or two before the period starts (again, for me) and the pain varies depending on the person.
For myself (again…) they were like stabbing pains, but didn’t last long -
@marvie229 oh okay
@JeffMyBeloved My period started for the first time ever on my b i r t h d a y
And it was a pool party.
@marvie229 nooo… 😭😭😭😭😭
@marvie229 how long have u had ur period?
i think ive had mine for like 3 or 4 years now -
Knox 4 years
Yurp, I don't even realize I get them until one crap causes trauma inducing pain
@JeffMyBeloved yes
@JeffMyBeloved bro yes and its ass
fr fr.
I once did, now not anymore
holy shit what a graveyard
꧁ Bearr ꧂ stop I didn’t mean it like that
No because I never got them b4.
fuq yes ;-;