Laws is back😝
@Global-Moderators -
I just became a mod bruH
@Sen have fun
he’s like a child with how obsessive he is over a piano site, and how vulgar those dms are
and, it really is embarrassing for me to say that him and I are within the same age group, and that we share communities
Get rid of him!
September 25 th🤨🤨
I will not be on September 25th i aint wanna see what goofy shit he’s gonna do -
Nah because I really wanna see what he’s planning
@Sen I kind of know.
@Izzy what?
@Sen me too but my brothers tell me curiosity killed the gato sooo I don’t wanna be that gato that curiosity kills
what do you think he’s planning to do? impersonate @Lavender-Ghost again??
@7o2_an-a I do
@7o2_an-a literally the day before my birthday bruh, he could’ve chose a different date -.-
Sapphire!!! oh my gatos I’m so sorry😔
@Sen okay me too 😝
Y mommy tells me not to be stupid and follow along what other people do but I don’t care🤪🤪😀 -
@Izzy who is he?
Lily Solace laws