Found some cringe shit
@Thetruepath tell me why he looks like a cigarette addict to me
“choccy fluff boi”
now thats fucking cap-
@Thetruepath ayo why sid have insta??
@Thetruepath hahaha lmao
I think seeing that just took 10 years off my life
@laraiia Ong he do
I dislike the fact this man right here is the same age as me
@omgitsfinneas indeed 😂
@Sen how old?
Cursed Cucumber same
@Sen lmao that’s disappointing
@Thetruepath bro is younger then me T^T
kitkatgirlie that’s disappointing 💀 I lose so much hope on humanity I swear
kitkatgirlie didn’t you just say older
@Sen yeah i was thinking of smth else
gacha life is enough to prove someone is on the cringiest shit
Nuh uh buddy, then why did you ask half of the community for nudes. 😭🙏🏼