Did I Go Too Far?
So I love scare pranks, I love pulling them, and being on the receiving end of a scare prank is actually pretty exhilarating and funny. However, I might’ve pulled my best scare prank yet but I’m very unsure if I went too far.
My mom brought home this tiny clown doll that they claim to be haunted, as her boyfriend and his family told her that it would vanish and appear somewhere else from time to time, and I thought that was the perfect set up for something fun. When it was brought home, it was put in the closet next to the bathroom. I didn’t actually notice it, my younger brother actually mentioned it to me that it was there. A few minutes later i went to the bathroom, then to find and pet one of my cats, but actually I moved it back into his room next to his candle collection. That was 4 hours ago.
A few minutes ago I mentioned that I wanted to see the clown and went to the closet, and acted confused when it wasn’t there. We searched the house and my brother(who I’m going to mention is very easily scared. He hates this kind of stuff) began to freak out upon finding it in his room next to the candles sitting up. I keep telling them this is the first time I’m seeing the little clown, and how it’s cute and I might keep it, and their fear keeps growing at the thought of this itty bitty doll being haunted.I’d hate for such a fun prank to go to waste and want to keep going, seeing someone panic and get this scared over something I did is funny to see, but I half feel bad for scaring even though it’s really fun. Did I go too far with it though?
@ur_local_shut_in no, your parents shouldnt have said the thing was haunted in a house with a teenager and expected them not to pull a prank, i blame the parents, and your little brother will be okay he’ll get over it.
part of me thinks this prank was fucked up, but the other part of me thinks this was absolutely hilarious
@A38 i fully think its hilarious
@ur_local_shut_in nice job
@finneass yeah im sure he’ll get over it lol, he hasnt said anything and seems fine now so ig we good
@A38 oh yeah it was 100% fucked up, buuuuut thats what made it fun :D