You know that thing parents do when they’re mad at you, and they threaten to kill you?
Well, my dad just did that.
So, he walks into his room, being mad at me for not walking on his goddamn back, telling me to “go to school before he murders me,” so I sit there, fucking fuming. Of course I’m pissed off. If that doesn’t make sense to you, my dad just threatened to take my life.Of course I know he didn’t mean he literally would. I’m not fucking stupid. He seems to think that though, so when I tell him to do it because I’m literally right here and he has the weapons for it, he comes back in, apologizes, hugs, blah blah.
The point is, as a parent, you shouldn’t ever say you’re going to kill your kid.
Not jokingly.
Not just as a baseless threat.
Not ever, however you mean it.
It’s fucked up, and I’m sure anybody can see that clear as day.That’s all, have a good day.
i completely understand and relate to this. my mom says shit like this all the fucking time and its messed up. dude, telling your 7 year old that you’re gonna kill them isn’t okay
I’ve had many death threats, for example, when I was younger, death threats were common tbh
@Sen Yeah I understand that, my dad
used to say whenever he got mad - I will punch your head through that wall - do you understand me boy?or threaten to kill me…
At least we can agree that it’s not cool
He would always say shit but never do it
“how to kill your own dad”
@Sen dad nerd
Goofbread🍌😸 shut the actual fuck up you bitch I got 60 notifications from you in 6 hours all I fucking did was sleep
@Sen this is what you get for posting 60 FUCKING POSTS
Goofbread🍌😸 IN SEVERAL DAYS?