the interrogation transcript (i was bored)
AD: “MD.”
AD: “Why do you chose to harrass me?”
[ silence ]
AD: “Stealing my hat, throwing sandals at me.”
AD: “Tempting my guards.”
AD: “Is there a problem?”
[ silence ]
AD: “Can I help you?”
AD: “Do you need a mental evaluation?”
Me: “Yes.”
AD: “I see.”
Me: “Someone finally asks me that.”
AD: “I don’t think it’s wise for our medical staff…”
AD: “To be clinically ill.”
Me: “Shut up and just get onto the point.”
AD: “Are there any of your other staff online?”
Me: “I’m the only medic - I do not usually work with anyone, other than a peculiar opposing force.” (chaos insurgency)
AD: (to radio) “Who is certified to mentally evaluate foundation personnel?”
AD: “One moment.”
[ break ]
AD: “Hm.”
AD: “There’s nothing we can do, unfortunately.”
AD: “Regarding your mental status.”
AD: “You will have to schedule a visit with MD later.” (i didnt)
AD: “Do not come near me again.”
AD: “I will find a new hat.”
Me: “I will get near you in specific occasions.”
AD: “If you take it again, you will be arrested.” (i took the hat and i got terminated, where’s my arrest?!)
AD: “Stealing is not okay in this site.”
Me: “I’ve already been chased down.”
AD: “I will not accept it.”
Me: “Shot down.”
AD: “And you will be (terminated) again if the need arises.”
Me: “Couldn’t I be arrested already?”
AD: “Good day.”
[ post interrogation ]
Me: (mumbles) “What some ignorance…” -