hello 2
Flip Ditcher Alrighty lol
There’s an autistic kid at our school that got angry at the teacher when she was forced to do her own work, and ran out of the classroom. She wandered the halls for a while before coming back to class, opening the door slightly, and asking, “Can you unlock the door?”
The teacher said “It’s already unlocked” multiple times before the kid got angry again and slammed the door shut, continuing to walk around in school with no supervision.My high school is something else with these kids
@Bandit hey, at least one of your friends isnt being touched by one
@Duchess The funniest part was they weren’t even laughing /j
Flip Ditcher sped kids scare me-
don’t make fun of “sped” kids, its really ableist tbh. they can’t control it. their mind may develop at a slower speed or they may be less mature than you due to whatever neurodivergency they have.
just imagine being on the position of someone who haves learning and communication problems and then people start laughing at you
it’s not funny, in fact. you need to fucking mature
Flip Ditcher only 30?
Neincraft see, this guy gets it
alright, let’s do this.
okay, with all due respect to the both of y’all, i’m still gonna be laughing and think it’s funny because, one, i still got PLENTY of time before i have to worry about shit like laughing at an ec kid bruh and having it end up fucking with any career, and two, because i just happen to have a stupid and fucked up sense of humor. i’m about as long as edp when he finally got caught (although not to THAT extent) and i just happen to find fucked up shit funny. sorry not sorry if you were offended. any other complaints will be tossed in the image below:
Flip Ditcher
I mean, to be fair if you’re going to insist on making ablist jokes, then you have to accept that people are going to call and view you as an asshole.
You’re only making enemies by making jokes like that.
I’m not trying to get involved, I just saw this and thought that this should be said. -
Flip Ditcher if you believe laughing and joking about someone’s capability is funny, then you’re an deep asshole (oH wOw, sorry not sorry if i offended you)
also welcome to my block list. Permanently
@Flandre-Scarlet alright ol’ buddy
Guys keep it mature, Flip had their bashing for their humor. You got your licks in. Please refrain.
@Bandit nahnahnah let 'em get their opinions in 'cause i ain’t no pussy ass bitch
@Bandit who tf you lookin at mf
Flip Ditcher You
@Bandit bet
Flip Ditcher
Sing for me little boy