Halo lmao-
RE: Hello peeps
Halo welcome to mppc, where you meet some weird ass people and say some weird ass stuff. mppc is, to quote a friend, weaponized autism. enjoy the ride, and i hope you love your stay ^^
im lowkey so pissed right now, am i the asshole?
okay, so im in a friend group both on discord and at my school which consists of me, person A, and person B. i share a class with person A before lunch, and we meet with Person B at lunch. Person A and Person B constantly berate me with insults, over, and over. i just shrug it og because i don’t give a damn what they think about me. but, when i was talking with Person A, she insulted me and i retaliated with the first insult ive said to her. she got extremely pissy the rest of the day. later, after school, i said “hey”. she replied with “can you actually get the fuck out of my DMs?” and proceeded to block me. am i the asshole?
edit: for more information, Person A has manipulated me into giving her money, and things liek that, along with other social manipulations.
We have a cheater on the site and they are SethByers basically admitted that they cheated on my best friend with his (girl)best friend so
So if I were you, I would be aware because cheating is not OK. You hear that. Seth?