Creepiest paranormal events of your childhood 👁️
JDP_Random im gonna spam your door when u sleep >:>
Door Stopper Tactic
Door Locker Tactic
And Door Glocker 23 Tactic
im fully prepared fr -
JDP_Random random ass villager spamming your door tactic
kitkatgirlie That just made me realize
There may be ghosts in Minecraft
Or there may be ghosts in a game beyond Minecraft in which the Playable characters play while we sleep outside their matrix which they control another matrix and that matrix controls another and so on it goes -
JDP_Random the ghosts are ghasts allays and vexes
kitkatgirlie My cusin actually playing Minecraft right now, and don’t they got Phantoms too
JDP_Random phantoms arent ghosts theyre illusions created by the players mind because they dont sleep
kitkatgirlie So sleep paralysis in minecraft, so this must mean minecraft characters have their own fears and phobias, which they do since they people playing them inplant their mind and personalities into these characters when playing this game.
But that’s just a Theory…
JDP_Random no not sleep paralysis
its the fact that your body sees hallucinations and hurts itself if u dont sleep
but thats just a theory -
kitkatgirlie A GAME THEORY!!!
@Cole I’ve been waiting to do that.