Think before you post.
Before you post something, think about it. Please. The age range of users here is from 10-25 years old. If it’s not something that a 10 year old should see, don’t post it. If it’s generally gross/illegal, don’t post it. If it’s something that could ruin someone else’s reputation, don’t post it. If it’s against the rules, don’t post it. Please, use your common sense and don’t post things that are going to either, get deleted, locked, or get you banned.
F locked this topic on
F pinned this topic on
I’d like to add the fact that this same mindset should be held on MPP as well. If it’s not something that should be said around younger users, don’t say it. It’s not taking away your freedom of speech, it’s exercising respect and caution of the things you say, and overall having a filter to respect the innocence and environment without an age minimum for users.