i love my friends
they’re honestly so understanding and i’m lucky to have people like them to talk to. i was having an anxiety issue earlier while i was talking to someone, was on the phone with all of them, and they basically talked me through everything, didn’t tell me i was overreacting or get pissed at me over it. i honestly really appreciate them trying to understand and help me with my panic disorder so much. because little things can get in my head and i spiral so quickly it’s concerning. my meds are finally starting to kick in so i wasn’t panicking to the point of having a panic attack but still shaking a bit, scared, etc. and they just listened to me about all of it, and parker started talking about how he never liked this person anyways
. so that made me laugh, but yeah man. they’re so worth my time and i’ll always do the same for them if they ever need me because they’re literally my lifeline and vice versa.