Mods Are Humans Too. (Bringing This Back, again.)
I get it, it’s frustrating when we mess up, but we’re human too. We make mistakes and we don’t always make the best decisions. But rather than attacking us for these decisions, give us constructive criticism so that we can get better as moderators and make our general community a better place. We deserve the same respect that we give you guys when we try to help you guys be better for the community. We only make decisions that we feel would be the best for the community, and sometimes they’re rash irresponsible decisions that aren’t for the best of the community, but we correct each other on things and we’re getting better, if you have any suggestions, please, let us know. Thank you for understanding 💜
- Love,
This post is deleted! -
This is just speaking pure facts. Mods here need love too since they are humans like us who do their jobs nonstop to give us a good experience instead of a trashy one where drama outbreaks everywhere and it makes people delete their accounts.
Mad respect to y’all