What is ur favorite animal
Shazz_ awe
@Kaya-Rose mine is an arctic fox or a piggo
Shazz_ said in What is ur favorite animal:
@Kaya-Rose My favorite animal is
Then somewhere down the line are
XDy e s
@Rylie-Aspen-Offline I LOVE ARTIC FOX
@Kaya-Rose Y E S -
@Rylie-Aspen-Offline Got to love that contrast between species haha!
Shazz_ y e s s s
@Kaya-Rose I love foxes too!
@Misty9118 tiger cub-
@Misty9118 awwwwwww
@Kaya-Rose cough Swan cough
@Duchess lol
@Duchess love you mother
@Kaya-Rose I love you too
@Duchess ryry is my uncle
@Duchess i got no aunt lol
By far, birds , as i’m into bird watching and consider researching ornithology (yes the science of birds) as a fun hobby lol. You guessed it, i’m a bird nerdddd
@Kaya-Rose You’re right. I need a sibling.