No cuz...
IF I HEAR SOMEONE SAY “name a woman” or “Burger king or mc.donals gang” IMA GONNA CRY
ᴋᴀɪ <3 name a woman
ᴋᴀɪ <3 Burger king or mc.donals gang
@kitkatgirlie stop ive heard that 1000000000 times today and i slaped the shit otta someone today…
ᴋᴀɪ <3 why was people saying it tho
@kitkatgirlie i dont knowwwww they was like “name a woman” in a weird voice
ᴋᴀɪ <3 did u name one?
@kitkatgirlie the first time
ᴋᴀɪ <3 What woman did you name?
𝓑𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓽 sza <3