Today was a great day
So we had competitions for choir today where all the choirs in my town from the schools get judged, and my choir got distinguished! Then my boyfriend and I went back because we had a duet together and it went really great; the person judging us said we sound great singing together and that made me really happy. I’m super happy for my boyfriend and I’m proud of myself and everyone else. I’m done ranting now I just wanted to share how my day went
(P.s. I got to skip school all day because of it)
zofya Wow, congrats!! I’m glad you had a nice time and felt happy with the judge and what they said
zofya Congrats me and my friend are doing a marimba duet for a state thing this coming up school year but congrats and keep working hard it will always pay off in the long run :D
Shadow Brooo sick what piece?
Shadow thank you and good luck to you and your friend!
@Bandit thank you!
zofya Thank you and we will need luck its a hard duet
College level stuff be hitting different in highschool
This post is deleted! -
@Jozlyn I love skipping school lol
Pff. wish I could skip. if I do I’ll most likely go to DJJ :D