I’d like to remind everyone that NSFW is against the rules here and such things should not be posted. Posting NSFW will now be an immediate ban for at least 2 days depending on prior offenses. There are kids on this site, act like it. Watch what you post and watch what you say here. It’s getting annoying that everyday some of the staff has to delete posts due to NSFW, when it is clearly stated as against the rules. I’d appreciate it if I didn’t see posts about people’s personal parts or people pleasuring themselves whenever I come online, and I think everyone would, between both our older and younger users it makes people uncomfortable and we want this to be a safe space for everyone. Again, I am completely and dead serious when I say that I will be banning everyone for posting NSFW, if you’re not sure if it’s NSFW, dm me and ask and I will gladly confirm/deny a post. Thanks for reading and have a nice day!
-Finn đź’ś -
i will add that what you do outside of the forums is out of my hands but dude, stop posting about that stuff here. take it to discord, magma, wherever else but not here. we don’t want to see that and it’s tiring to keep dealing with it when the rules have been made extremely clear.