that's me in the corner
Knox i do not believe so-i was just asking becuase there was no hint at you were talking about- idk if i talked to you before on my old account.
Flip Ditcher keep up with me? what do you mean?
Oh no I’ve said too much
I haven’t said enough -
S-I-N what was your old acc’s name?
my old account was kalamity i wish i could change the name now but eh- also do you have any idea what flip ditcher is saying?
Flip Ditcher is this some attempt to try and get under my skin?- all your doing is confusing me tbh. but im just assuming you have a reason for what you are doing
S-I-N aw man im pretty sure u did not like me
oh well, i hope we can be friends now tho -
Flip Ditcher your secrets are safe with me brother fr
S-I-N i dont think so, hes just a wholesome guy tbh
Knox wholesome’s a stretch but, relatively recently, i’ve been trying to stay outta trouble
Knox eh, probably didnt- but i dont carry much memories from the past well, but sure, we can be friends, my only rule about it is dont try and be too annoying- idrc how you act with me, if thats how you act when your comfortable go for it, im not gonna judge ya,
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try -
Flip Ditcher what are you singing me a song? lol
Every whisper, of every waking hour
I’m choosing my confessions -
S-I-N u seem pretty cool fr
Flip Ditcher arent we all? lmao
(except like the 20 people that are banned rn ok ignore them) -
Flip Ditcher its why im here fr
Knox i can say the same for you friend, all though had a bad reputation before- i admire those seeking redemption, after all im on my own path of redemption myself–