Knox alright- i need you to never do that shit again. joking about someone dying just for attention is not funny. if you wanted people to talk to you theres other ways, but this? this is not how you start a damn conversation, in the nicest way possible, dont fucking do it again. and you didnt miss much this place is dead already. its lucky that even some people get on. but take some advice from me. joking about stuff like this just to talk to someone will make it less believable the next time you say it. or say anyone else died i would honestly would slightly doubt its true cuz of jokes like this, anyway, thats all i had to say, the other people can talk to you. i aint got anything else. cya.

~often silent unless spoken to
~im not mentally stable
~mommy issues~
~ can be violent or act like a retired dad
~will be your friend if fed a bone weekly
~anger issues go brr
~=(loves to start fights with people)=~
Best posts made by S-I-N
RE: my aunt died
RE: Sad realization
@whatswrongwith-carrie im pretty sure its just the way he was raised in his time- so it cant be entirely his fault, but im sorry to hear your father is like that, if it helps at all- everyone here will support you, even me
RE: basically my life lately
Knox that is NOT a best recommended idea- i would say say take a social break, find something that calms you down, like going on walks or petting a pet you own etc.
RE: you ever have a friend that you HATED at first but that had to grow on you?
@finneass it was a person who basically an innocent ball of sunshine. i hated how positive they were and so happy about everything- but ive grown used to it and ended up liking spending time with them their basically a mini me but opposite side of the spectrum. im gloomy they are not.
RE: ‘Am i still pretty 😭’
@Blitz ok but seriously- if i found ruined chica and she asked me that i would sit down and tell her she is beautiful no matter what happens to her face and id likely give her a hug
RE: superficial drug- sevendust
@ꂦꌗ-_ꌗꀤ-ꃴꍟꋪ i did too- but i can relate to the lyrics
RE: why is this place so dead
@zack so its jsut me, you, know, and duchess still alive? other the finneass
RE: I'm autistic as hell (/j)
@zack do it, jump over some kids and hit a sick back flip and barrel roll
Latest posts made by S-I-N
RE: ya know what? fuck u
Jeg vil kneppe jer forældre, så brænder jeg jeres kæledyr levende og forbander jeres familie for at have alle afkom for at få dem til at få kræft i en ung alder, og derefter dø som 50-årig af en bilulykke eller selvmord, så vil jeg læg en forbandelse over din familie, at hver fuldmåne vil et tilfældigt familiemedlem blive revet lem fra lem i en skov
kitkatgirlie DO NOT EAT THE BIRD. im hungry too. im trying to savor that thing for both of us to eat it.