I dont get the hype about my face now todo's....
@elliot_satan I only mentioned everyone because I just mentioned everyone. That’s all.
@Duchess I had a head ache in that picture
Shadow dude, where’s your shirt
@Laws Gone lol
Shadow ngl that’s sus bruh
@Duchess heres a better picture
i dont get the hype now about todo now i get the hype about that
Shadow “Todo”? What’s that? Also, you should smile in pictures : ) You might as well take a picture of a wall.
@Duchess Todoroki is todo
@Duchess well i quite like walls
Shadow Are people saying he is cool or something? So you want to one up him? lol Maybe smile : )
@Duchess Im dating todoroki a uh he is a she
Shadow he is a she? huh??
@Duncan-Away Todo is a she/they/them
Shadow As if I keep track who you’re dating this time. 😂
@Duchess Lol
Honestly i dont deserve todo
Shadow but you said he is a she
@Duncan-Away Im so confused OK SO TODO IS A THEY SHE WAS BORN AS A SHE LOL
Shadow But you called todo a he bro -_-