Share link of your favorite song or instrumental
When it comes to musicals, Sincerely Me from Dear Evan Hansen is by far the best in my opinion.
Skies forever blue
toby fox
Lyrics in bio. -
theres a lot but ima do them-
^ that guy is hot asf, but the song makes me cry.
one more and ill be done-
@Rylie-Aspen-Offline im sorry i like music-
@Rylie-Aspen-Offline Skydive makes me cry too
it reminds me of myself
@Rylie-Aspen-Offline lmao i was scrolling through all the songs and i was like “this has to be ry ry” then i get to the top of where ur name is and im like “I KNEW IT”
Not_justkys Lol no link? Okay.
@Rylie-Aspen-Offline THATS LIKE NINE OR SEVEN SONGS, but nice!
Ky.Is.High. lmao
BlackSheep i have more but those are like my top favorite ig- other than this song-
@Rylie-Aspen-Offline lel
my favorite song rn is Never Too Late
@Rylie-Aspen-Offline bc yes
@Rylie-Aspen-Offline and Three Days Grace is just amazing