Why's nobody brought this up yet?
Can we just take a moment to appreciate how well this site was created, the setup, layout and all? The MPP staff took and still is taking so much effort to create this website, just so people like you and me can casually chat to each other. Without the administrators’ work, we wouldn’t nearly have as many online friends to talk to.
Thank you, admin and @administrators. We appreciate you. : )
@Laws fr
@Laws and the best thing is that it’s very easy to customize
@Lutschertal Exactly. At least from my end I can’t find a different post that just appreciates how well this site was made, that’s why I decided to do it myself.
@Laws uh are you talking about nodebb itself or how this one was set up, cause i don’t feel like much effort was put into that at all lmao
admin I’m really just giving a shout-out to the “vibe” this website brings, so if that’s mainly NodeBB, then it’s NodeBB lol
@Lutschertal : o how do u change the background to that? mine is just black
@Laws yeah I really liked this software and always wanted to host one that people actually used, but there’s still tons of potential for customization like a custom theme or something :P
admin Yea… I’ve also been wondering lately about more options for embedding more tools into forums, like direct .mp4 or .mp3 file uploading, much like how images can already be embedded. However, I do think there is a chance of it fueling toxicity as personal media would be more accessible for posting.
@Laws verified users can upload files now (they just show as links though)
admin Oh wow, thanks! The limit is still only 2,048 KB per upload, though. Might be a problem for larger stuff.